Solutions: Unified Communications: Unified Messaging

Anywhere access to information is the primary reason for integrating a Unified Messaging solution. By delivering a variety of streams of communication, including voicemail, SMS, fax, email and video, through a single platform to a single interface recipients are able to work, communicate and collaborate regardless of their location. This unified platform alleviates the need for switching between applications and systems.

Another benefit of integrating a unified messaging solution is infrastructure cost reduction. By consolidating servers an organization can reduce actual hardware costs, maintenance costs as well costs associated with energy and space usage. In addition to these tangible cost reductions the IT staff will require less dedication to system and application management.

We deploy a variety of unified messaging solutions that are scalable to meet each client's specific needs as well as the way they need to communicate. Our deployment strategy is usually to establish a test set of users within the organization in order to develop a "live" case study for planning enterprise wide deployments. By incorporating this strategy of deployment our clients are better able to adopt the new technology in a form that will serve their organization's needs much more specifically and successfully than a deployment across the breadth of the organization. As with all of our solution offerings we provide a level of engagement and flexibility that supports our client's ability to operate their business effectively with little to no interruption of service.