Solutions: Information Security: Content Management

The exchange of information via email and over the internet has become such a common place, every day occurrence that often IT security managers tend to overlook this threat for fear of interrupting normal business operations. However, the threats that exist to the integrity of an organizations content as well as reputation and brand name are too great to ignore.

Email security, email content security and content filtering are all part of an overall secure content management strategy. Venture Technologies partners with some of the leading industry product suppliers in this area. We understand not only their products and how to deploy them but how to integrate them into your organization's normal business processes. Our goal as always is to increase the viability and security of your organization with as little interruption to day to day operations as possible.

Our experience with these deployments includes flexible assessments that address concerns from all areas of your organizational chart. We understand that what is critical to administrative staff, executive level and IT are different and we create solutions that integrate all area concerns with the overall goal of increasing the security of the content that passes to and from your organization's IT infrastructure.

In addition to actual content management, we offer content filtering and web traffic filtering solutions that allow you to more effectively manage your network bandwidth. Increasing the speed and productivity of the actual network process gives all users faster access to the information your organization needs to operate your business. Speed and access are critical in today's work environment and getting the most out of your current network utilization means alleviating the cost of unnecessary network resources can be realized.