Solutions: Consolidation, Virtualization and Disaster Recovery: Disaster Recovery

Regardless of whether organizations plan effectively for scheduled downtime and predict certain unplanned outages there exists certain high level disasters such as full power outages, critical infrastructure failures and catastrophic events that jeopardize their ability to continue business operations. For these situations, a strategic disaster recovery solution may be the only thing separating companies who will survive from ones who will not.

Venture Technologies offers a wide range of DR strategies to fit any organizations needs. We work closely with key stakeholders to determine what level of priority to place on each application and IT asset with respect to restoration. We offer solutions such as:

  • Strategic Disaster Recovery Consulting
  • Data Online Off-site Backup
  • Server Bare Metal Restore
  • Data Center Redundancy

By reducing the impact a disaster may have on your organization you are ensuring business viability regardless of the circumstances. This insurance assists in meeting regulatory compliance issues for many industries and we provide tools for measuring where your DR plan satisfies these regulations and where additional planning is necessary.