What We Do

We make technology work for you

Venture Technologies is a strategic IT solutions and services provider. We leverage both our internal technical expertise and our strategic partnerships to provide our clients with the best overall solution to meet their unique requirements. Our core areas of expertise all support our clients ability to operate their business effectively, leveraging IT to maximize those efforts.

We align our solutions and services in support of your organizations need for continuity of business operations. Our specific areas of expertise are: Network Management and Infrastructure, Information Security, Consolidation and Virtualization, Unified Communications, and Systems and Application Integration. Because we understand that no organization can be all things to all people we partner with leading industry product and service providers to expand our ability to bring the most effective solution to our customers.

We establish a solutions team for each project we accept. That team is responsible for the full life cycle of the project and includes technical, operational, management and executive representation. In doing so, we dedicate ourselves to all aspects of an IT implementation.

Corporate Philosophy

Inherent in all that we do is the underlying belief that our efforts and our interactions with our clients and our partners be guided by integrity. We believe that our success is based on the quality of our relationships with our clients and our partners and that quality is determined by our ability to add true value to the relationship.

Our commitment to addressing the needs of our clients continues to be our primary focus. Our suggestions and recommendations are created as a result of extensive technical knowledge and a willingness to partner with leading industry manufacturers that adhere to the same set of principles as we do. Our goal is to bring to bear all the available resources necessary to solve our clients' problems and to do so in a way that meets their schedule and budgetary requirements.